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The Choruses

2015 - 2016 Holiday  - ALL.jpg

The 100+ Voice Children's Chorus of Collin County is comprised of three choruses, Prelude Chorus (grades 3-5), Concert Chorus (grades 6-8) and Youth Chorus (grades 9-12).  These singers come from Collin County and the surrounding metro area.  All three choruses rehearse on Monday evenings during the school year.  Rehearsals are held at Custer Road United Methodist Church in Plano.


All three choruses perform several times throughout the year, including three major concerts and a tour schedule.

The Chorus Repertoire ranges from Classical to Popular, Folk to Jazz, Broadway to International.  Each chorus sings choral arrangements thoughtfully selected by that chorus 's conductor.  We sing as individual choruses and we sing collectively as a combined Chorus.

The Chorus Mission Statement: "We strive to provide each child with an opportunity to grow musically, artistically and personally.  To foster a sense of wonder and pride through the joy of singing beautifully with excellence.  To educate through the study and performance of quality and diverse choral literature.  To reflect the cultural and social diversity of our county."

Prelude Chorus
2014 - 2015    Holiday - PC.jpg

Prelude Chorus

The Prelude Chorus is for students in grades 3-5. This chorus rehearses on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm. In addition to the performances during the year, they also take a day tour in the early summer every other year. The tuition for the Prelude Chorus is $650.

Hear Us Sing!

Carol of the Star
Time's a Secret
Seasons Greetings
Concert Chorus
2014 Spring Program 2.png

Concert Chorus

Students in grades 6-8 perform with the Concert Chorus. Rehearsals for the Concert Chorus are on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. In addition to the performances throughout the year, the Concert Chorus joins the Youth Chorus for a tour in the summer every three years. Tuition for the Concert Chorus is $700.

Hear Us Sing!

Wynkin, Blynkin and Nod
Will There Really Be A Morning
Youth Chorus
YC - 2019 Spring Concert.jpg

Youth Chorus

The Youth Chorus is comprised of students in grades 9-12. The Youth Chorus rehearses on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. They perform three major concerts and a variety of other performances during the year, and then tour in the summer every three years. The tuition for the Youth Chorus is $750.

Hear Us Sing!

Aura Lee
Dorven Dalai
Additional Videos

Additional Chorus Performance Videos

Let Voice and Instruments Joyfully Sound!

Prelude Chorus, Lindy Perez, Director
Let Voice and Instruments Joyfully Sound!
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Let Voice and Instruments Joyfully Sound!

Let Voice and Instruments Joyfully Sound!

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Grow Your Garden

Grow Your Garden

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Everything's Coming Up Roses

Everything's Coming Up Roses

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The Children's Chorus of Collin County is funded in part by the following organizations

Frisco Arts Logo v2.png
City of Plano logo.png
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